BCTA掼蛋规则(北京对外文化贸易协会)发表时间:2023-11-08 16:24 BCTA掼蛋规则
一、比赛方式 牌局采用四人结队两副牌竞赛,输赢升级的方式进行。 二、位置坐法 每桌分为两队,每队两人相对而坐,牌桌四位选手根据方位分为东、南、西、北四方。 三、牌型及大小 四王:是最大的牌。 炸弹:八张同数值牌,七张同数值牌,六张同数值牌,五张同数值牌,四张同数值牌。 同花顺:同花的五张牌,最大的为10-J-Q-K-A,最小的为A-2-3-4-5。 顺子:五张连续单牌,不可超过五张。不包括双王,不分花式。 三连对:三对的连续对牌,不可超过三对。不包括双王,不分花色(例如:334455)。 钢板:两个连续三张牌,不可超过两个(例如:333444)。 单牌:单个牌。 对牌:数值相同的两张牌。 三张牌:数值相同的三张牌。 三带两:数值相同的三张牌加一对牌。 牌型大小:四王>六张及以上炸弹>同花顺>五张炸弹>四张炸弹>其他牌型。对一般牌型而言,只有当牌型相同和总数相同的牌,才可以比较大小。其中,像三带两、钢板等组合牌型,只要比较其牌数最多的牌值就行,只有比当前出的牌大才能出。(44455>33366,555666>444333)。 四、特殊规则和名称 从2打到A,以打10为例: 逢人配:主牌有两张红桃10为逢人配,可配除大小王外的任何牌。 双下:同队两人为最后两名。 末游:最后一名。 头游:第一名。 牌的大小顺序:大王、小王、A、K、Q、J、10、9、8、7、6、5、4、3、2 五、比赛规则 比赛首轮 洗牌:首轮牌局开始时由坐在东风的选手洗牌。 切牌: 由南风选手切牌,南风选手选择任意数量的牌将牌搬到现有牌堆旁边,并翻开下一张,将其放在已切牌堆的第一张. 抓牌:由翻开这张牌的数字来确定先抓牌的一方,从切牌方(南风方)开始沿抓牌方向依次计数,数到翻开牌的数字即为起始抓牌方(例如:翻开的牌为6,即从南风开始依次计数,再次数到东风方即为起始抓牌方),注意:如果翻到大小王和红桃2,则需要重新切牌和翻牌。 出牌:由抓到翻开牌的一方先出牌。
其他轮次: 洗牌:由上一局头游的上家洗牌。 切牌:由上一局的头游切牌。 抓牌:由上一局的末游抓牌,如果上一局同队双下(对家最终为最后两名),则由上局头游的下家先抓牌 出牌:由末游先出牌,如果上一局同队双下,则由进贡牌较大的一方先出牌(若同队两人进贡牌大小相同,则由头游的下家先出牌) 计分与监督: 西风选手负责全场比赛的计分工作,北风选手负责监督。 进贡与还贡(抗贡): 双下:如果是双下,两个末游(输家)要向两个头游(赢家)分主次进贡一张(除主牌红桃外的)最大的牌,赢家分别暗还一张10以下(含10)的任意牌。任意牌,贡牌大的先出牌,(如贡牌一样大小,规则为左贡右还,即赢家吃左手上家的牌,并将牌还到右手下家,并由头游的下家先出牌),但如果每人各有一张大王或者一人有两张大王,可抗贡,由头游先出牌。 单下:如果是单下,末游向头游进贡一张(除主牌红桃外的)最大的牌,头游还牌暗还一张10以下(含10)的任意牌。末游先出牌,但如果有两张大王,可抗贡,由头游先出牌。 赢牌: 头游最后的牌,对方压不住,由对门出牌(借风)。 最先出牌结束为赢家(头游),最后一个出牌结束的是输家(末游),如果是双下,赢家升3级;如果对手有一家是末游,升2级;如果赢家自己对门是末游,升1级。 如果打A三次不过的,则重新从2开始升级(比赛中遇到此情况请参考下方比赛规则)。 每局记分规则: 每轮一局制,限时60分钟或11局,已完成11局或比赛时间到打完当局为准,级数领先方为胜方,记200分,落后方记0分;级数相同为平局,各记100分. 本次比赛按1、2、3升级,每局胜方升一级5分,升两级记15分,升三级记25分。 上游团队打到A,如果一次A没打过,对手团队记20分;上游团队两次A没打过,对手团队再记50分,上游团队三次A没打过,对手团队赢。 比赛规则: 比赛过程中,不得随意更换搭档,遇有特殊情况,必须在赛前提出并经比赛组委会同意方可换人。 出现矛盾,请停止打牌,并招请裁判组处理。一旦“私了”后再重新提出,裁判组一律不予受理。 每轮比赛开赛后10分钟不到按弃权处。 为了解决比赛中的争议及防止比赛过程中的作弊行为,本次比赛设裁判委员会,随时根据比赛规则对现场的争议进行裁决,一经裁决,比赛双方应本着友谊第一、比赛第二的精神,互相理解,继续比赛。对作弊的行为,一经发现立即取消比赛资格。
联赛组队及积分规则: 参赛组队: 每个参赛队由4名成员组成,每次参赛为2名队员,每个队伍由组委会根据队伍编码规则统一发放唯一队伍编号作为参赛及统计成绩的唯一标识。 联赛积分制度: 联赛采取积分制,全年比赛中,每个地区的全体队伍均需和该地区的其他队伍完成一场比赛,即完成全年循环赛,其中未能进行比赛的场次记0分(例如:共10支队伍进行循环积分赛,其中1号队伍与9号队伍因故未能完成互相比赛,则1号队及9号队该次比赛成绩均记0分)。 每周比赛赛场的所有参赛队需同其余队伍均完成一场比赛。(例如赛场A本周参赛共8队选手,则每队需同其余7支队伍都需要进行一轮比赛) 晋级: 地区全部循环积分赛完赛后,积分排名前32支队伍晋级下一阶段的比赛. 地区晋级赛: 每地区晋级的32支队伍统一安排比赛时间进行比赛,32支队伍共分为16桌,进行三局比赛,共三局,每局60分钟时间,打11把。 对阵方式为:第一局比赛由1队对阵32队,2队对阵31队,以此类推,第二局更换对手,由1队对阵3队,2队对阵30队,以此类推,第三局继续更换,1队对阵30队,以此类推。 三局后计算总成绩,积分排名前4的队伍进入总决赛。 总决赛: 总决赛地点为北京,采用晋级赛相同的比赛规则。 (此规则由北京对外文化贸易协会发布) BCTA Guandan Contest Rules
Ⅰ Contest Method The card game is competed by 4 players of two teams, with two decks of standard international cards, upgrading according to wins and loses.
Ⅱ Order of Seats Four players are divided into two teams with partners sitting opposite each other.Four players are named as the East (E), the South (S),the West (W) and the North (N) according to their direction around the square table.
Ⅲ Card Type and Card Rank ▩Four Jokers: The biggest card. ▩Bombs: A Bomb can be ranking from highest to lowest, consisting respectively with eight, seven, six, five, four sets of equal ranked cards. ▩Straight Flush (Flush) consists of five consecutive cards of the same suit in Natural Order.The highest flush is 10-J-Q-K-A, the lowest flush is A-2-3-4-5. ▩Straights:It consists of five single cards( no matter what suit) which are consecutive in natural order, jokers are not included. ▩Tubes: A Tube consist of three consecutive pairs( no matter what suit) in natural order,jokers are not included, ranked in level order.(eg. 334455) ▩Plates: A plate consists of two consecutive Triples in natural order, ranked in level order.(eg. 333444) ▩Single Card: Single card is any single card in the deck and ranked in level order. ▩Pairs: A Pair consists of two single cards with the same rank, ranked in level order. ▩Triples: A Triple consists of three single cards of the same rank, ranked in level order. ▩Full Houses: A Full House consists of a Triple and a Pair and is ranked by the Triple in level order. Size of different Card Types: Four Jokers> Six-card or more-card Bombs>Flush>Five-card Bombs>Four-card Bombs>Other Card Types. Generally speaking, cards only with the same type and same number can be compared in size. Take Full House (a Triple and a Pair) or Plate (two consecutive Triples)as example, shall be ranked by the Triple in level order. (44455>33366,555666>444333)
Ⅳ Special Rules and Names Upgrading from 2 to A, take10 as example: Wild Cards: Wild Cards are two red heart cards of number 10. They can be used in place of any cards needed to make up a combination except Jokers. Double-Dweller: Two players of the same team are the last two finished. Dweller:The player who last finished is called the Dweller. Banker:The player who finished first is called the Banker Basic Rank of the Cards (from high to low): Red Joker (Big Joker), Black Joker (Little Joker), A, K, Q, J, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2.
ⅤContest Rules First Round Shuffle:For the start of the game, the E-seated player (the East) shuffles the deck. Cut:The S-seated player (the South) cuts the deck into two piles then draws one card from them and flip it face up. Draw:Players will determine the start of drawing player by counting counterclockwise from the South according to the points on the faced card. [eg: If flipped the card is 6,counting counterclockwise from the South(count one) to the East(count six), therefore the East is the first player to draw.] Note:Repeat the cutting and drawing if the card was Joker or Wild card. Play:Player draw the flipped card will be the first one to start the game. Other Rounds: Shuffle: Shuffle from the previous player of the Banker in the previous game. Cut: The banker in the previous game cut cards. Draw: The Dweller of the previous game draws the first card. If the same team players are Double-Dweller, the following player of the banker draws card first. Play: The Dweller will play first. If the same team players are Double-Dweller, the player tributes higher-score card will play first. (If Double-Dweller have the same size of tribute cards, the following player of the banker will play first.) Scoring and Supervision: The W-seated player is responsible for scoring the entire game, while the N-seated player is responsible for supervision.
Tribute and Repayment (Anti-Tribute): Double-Dweller: Each player of Double-Dweller needs to tribute one card respectively to the Banker team, while the banker team shall repay any card blow (include) ten. Who tributes the biggest card play first,(if two tribute cards are equal, the banker gets the left-hand tribute card and repay this card to the right hand, following player of the banker play first). If each player of Double-dweller has big joker, or one of them have two big jokers, they can anti-tribute, and the banker play first. Dweller:Dweller shall tribute the biggest card(except wild card) to the banker, while the banker shall repay any card blow (include) ten. The Dweller play first, if the Dweller has two big jokers, he/she can anti-tribute, and the banker play first,
Win: If the opponent can’t press the final card of the banker, the team player of the banker continue to play card. The first one finished the card is winner(banker), the last one finished the card is loser(dweller). If one team players are double-dweller, the opponent win the round and upgrading 3 grades; If one team has one dweller, the opponent win the round and upgrading 2 grades; If one team has a banker and a dweller, this team win and upgrading 1 grade. If the game cannot be upgraded to A for 3 times, it will start from 2 again. (Please refer to the competition rules below if you encounter this situation during the competition).
Scoring Rules for Each Round: With a limit of 60 minutes or 11 rounds, 11 rounds have been completed or the time is up to the end. The grade-leading team is the winner, recording a score of 200 point, 0 point for the losing team. The two teams have equal grades, the game is a draw, recording 100 points for each team. This game will be upgraded by 1 grade, 2 grade and 3 grade. The winning (banker) team will be recorded by 5 points for 1 grade, 15 points for 2 grades, and 25 points for three grades. If the banker team hasn’t played to A once, the opponent team will score 20 points. If the banker team hasn’t played to A twice, the opponent team will score 50 points. If the banker team hasn’t played to A for three times, the opponent team wins the game. Contest Rules: A.During the contest, it is not allowed to change partners. In special cases, it must be proposed before the contest and be approved by the organizing committee before changing partners. B.If there are conflicts, please stop playing and invite the referee team to handle. Once it is handled privately and then resubmitted, the referee team shall not deal with it. C.The player doesn’t arrive at the site after10 minutes of every contest, it can be deemed as a waiver. D.In order to resolve disputes during the contest and prevent cheating during the contest, a judge committee has been established to arbitrate disputes on site at any time in accordance with the competition rules. Once arbitrated, both parties should follow the spirit of friendship first and contest second, understand each other, and continue the game. Any cheating behavior shall be immediately disqualified from the contest upon discovery. League Team Formation and Points Rules: Team up: Every participating team consists of 4 members, with 2 members playing each time. Each team is assigned a unique team number by the organizing committee according to the team coding rules as a unique identifier for participation and statistical results. League Points System: The league adopts the point system, and throughout the year, all teams in each region are required to compete with other teams in the region to complete a round robin, with zero point recorded for each game that fails to compete (For example, if 10 teams participate in a round robin, and if Team 1 and Team 9 fail to compete with each other due to some reason,Team 1 and Team 9 will be recorded 0 point). Every participating teams in the weekly contest must complete one match with the other teams. (For example, if there are 8 teams contest in Venue A this week, each team needs to compete with the other 7 teams for one round.) Advance to Next Race: After the completion of the regional round robin, the top 32 teams will advance to the next stage of the contest. Regional Advancing Contest: The 32 teams promoted from each region will be allocated a unified contest time to compete. The 32 teams will be divided into 16 tables and will play totally 3 rounds. Each round lasts for 60 minutes and play 11 games. Method of Play:In the first round, Team No.1 plays against Team No.32, Team No.2 plays against Team No.31, etc.. In the second round, the opponent will be replaced, Team No.1 plays against Team No.31, Team No.2 plays against Team No.30, ... In the third round, the opponent will continue to be replaced, Team No.1 plays against Team No.30, and so on. After three rounds, the total scores is calculated, and the Top 4 teams enter to the finals. Finals: The final will be held in Beijing, following the same rules above. Calculate the total scores of 3 rounds to determine the Top 4.
(Issued by Beijing Foreign Cultural Trade Association)